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Respect for the Rule of Law within the European Union


Respect for the Rule of Law within the European Union

The rule of law is one of the core values of the European Union.

The respect of the rule of law is essential to guarantee to all citizens and the people living in the EU member states the possibility to rely on democratic institutions, fair trials, and the guarantee of their fundamental rights

Let's Act for The creation of an impartial mechanism of evaluation to verify the application of the European values by all the Member States concerning the Rule of Law

A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a powerful way to influence law makers in Europe.
Each EU country has set its own rules for taking part and some countries require personal details such as your ID number.

This site has been certified according to EU regulations to ensure all personal data will be stored securely.
Your details will only be used for confirming your participation and will be deleted after validation.


Our committee is spread across Europe. Let’s act together

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Associazione Luca Coscioni per la libertà di ricerca scientifica